ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Light Meter Calibration Services

Our Meter Calibration Capabilities

International Light has been offering light meter calibration services since we created the first USA-made light measurement system in 1965. Our full service calibration lab offers ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited (UKAS recognized) calibrations and certifications that are also N.I.S.T. Traceable. Our calibration and testing capabilities include Monochromators, Spectrometers, Spectroradiometers, Radiometers, Photometers, Lux meters, UV meters, UV, VIS and IR Light Sources, Photodetectors, LED’s, Lamps, Light booths, Filters, Cuvette transmission, Integrating spheres, reflectance standards and more.  All calibrations are performed under controlled environmental conditions.  ILT calibrates a wide array of light measurement devices from manufacturers and distributors world-wide.  To verify that your system is supported, click on the below images for the calibration you are seeking.  If your specific system is not listed, if you have a  question on our calibration services or capabilities, or would like to get more information, contact us using the Ask and Expert button below.

ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Decision Rule:

When a customer requests a statement of conformity to a specification or standard for the test calibration, ILT's simple accept decision rule shall apply:

When making a statement of compliance (in tolerance / out of tolerance), we base strictly on established tolerance with no accountability, unless otherwise agreed upon prior to calibration.

ILT requires all customers complete an online RMA request form prior to shipping goods to ILT for service.  Goods arriving without an RMA will require a hard copy PO or written confirmation prior to commencing service.  Submitting an RMA form, purchase order or written order confirmation will be considered as acceptance of ILT's Decision Rule as is designated, unless otherwise agreed to in writing prior to the start of calibration.


Optical Meters We Calibrate in Our Lab

In addition to offering accredited calibration for our own meters, we also calibrate meters from other manufacturers including the following light meter manufacturers:

Avantes, Daavlin, Delta OHM , Dymax, EIT, Excelitas, Exfos, Extech, Fluke, G&R Labs, Gigahertz-Optik, Greenlee, Gossen, Hamamatsu, Honle, Jelight, Konica Minolta, Lesco, Linshang, National Biological, OAI, Ocean Optics, Omega Engineering, Omnicure, Opsytec Dr. Grobel, Optimum, Sky Instruments, Solar Light, Spectral Products, Sekonic, Spectroline, Spectronics, Sper Scientific, UDT, UV Power, UV Process Supply, Testo, UVX, Yokogawa, and more.


Click here to read our Calibration Terms and Conditions




Requesting An RMA

International Light is pleased to now offer calibrations in its newly opened ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibration facility in Ostfildern, Germany.  When you click Request An RMA below, you will be taken to a page where you can select which lab you'd like your calibration to be done, and then fill out the corresponding RMA form for that facility.


Request An RMA


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